Friday, April 29, 2016

90 Days Challenge by Mark Lauren - Fourth week


Wow, I am on day 30 today, so one third of the Challenge is over. I cannot actually remember what I did before that. The challenge does not take up all day, merely 60 minutes per week till now, but it still somehow is deep in your head all the time. Your nutrition, the planned workouts and last but not least, the sore muscles remind you of the challenge you are on.

The facebook group has been a great support and motivation for me. There are people who do the challenge in all kinds of stages and levels, so you have a lot of experience in one place, where you can ask questions and also post motivations. To me it is always great to see how fit people can get within this time if they eat according to the plan.

I still do not eat according to it. From time to time cake still finds it way into my mouth. My protein intake is much higher though than before the challenge. I eat cooked eggs, fish and creamcheese or Greek joghurt with banana and strawberries on a regular basis.

Before blending

A few days ago we spent a lazy evening watching documentaries on Netflix and stumbled upon the great „Sick, fat and nearly dead“. A guy from Australia travels the US for 60 days and all he eats is juiced fruit and veggies. He loses a lot of weight and feels exhilarated, telling everyone about juicing. I watched it and felt like buying a juicer immediately and putting kale into it. And you know what? We bought a blender and are making green smoothies. My first one is sitting in front of me right now, Orange, apple and spinach. It tasted really great. Looks a bit odd, though. Or looks very healthy.

After Blending - Very Green
Our new Blender: Very practical, you mix your smoothie in your cup

The challenge has reached a major step, because from this week on, I will do four instead of three workouts. Yesterday was officially the first „two-workouts-in-a-row-day“ and it sucked. No workout has been as annoying and hard as this week's Opus. I sometimes even paused during the active phases, because I just couldn't do it. Sweat was running down my face, my chest, my belly. I had to shower immediately and wash my clothes the minute the workout was over. (I hate sweat) But I was really happy that I have done it even though I didn't feel like it all day.

If you look closely. You can even see a bit of mucsles in my belly and arm, which is motivating me to eat better and keep up the work.

Emerging Muscles - So proud :)

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