Thursday, March 3, 2016

Knitting is a great way to keep you busy while craving chocolate...

You can never have enough puppy pictures...

Yesterday it has been three weeks of no sugar. I am holding up quite well, although I have experienced some craving those few last days. I often suffer from PMS and this time it hit me especially bad. I am proud that I didn’t give in though. I just ate a lot. And I mean a lot! But not the sugar that my body was craving. Usually I have no self discipline whatsoever on those days, I basically run to the supermarket and put everything into my shopping cart that is loaded with sugar, chocolate and caramel. I managed to stay away from the stuff this time, but it was hard. Saturday morning I did not only have the worst kind of cramping, but felt really sick and could not eat at first. It was worse than usually, but maybe I had some kind of infection at the same time.

Yesterday, while at the supermarket, I was tempted by the “industrial sugar free” isle and took home with me those two babies. They cost a whopping 3.50€ per piece, but I wanted to give myself a treat, so I did. The chocolate is sweetened by coconut-blossoms, so not really sugar-free, but at least no processed sugar. I ate a little piece of the coconut flavoured one and it was MAGICAL! The good thing was though, I was satisfied after the little piece and did not need more of it.

Ombar you get it in German drugstore dm. Yummie!

I have noticed several things about my brain and mind while being without the usual candy-dose: they are working much better! I am less tired, less moody and my memory is much better. Furthermore, I am motivated to move, to run, to do Yoga, to take the dog on a long walk. (Ok, I won’t deny, the awesome spring weather those last days has helped big time, too.) In one movie I have seen they tested the effect of sugar on the brain. The hippocampus, responsible for memory function and personality has been proved to be damaged by too much sugar intake. I used to be forgetful all the time, I forgot things that I had said and done, events that should have had a huge impact on my memory. My memory loss proved to be so profound that Mr. Schön was sometimes really worried (and also annoyed) about living with someone having the memory of a goldfish. Maybe it is just wishful thinking and knowing about the effect on the brain, but I have the feeling that my memory has gotten much better and I am more able to focus on one thing at a time. (By the way, Mr Schön got infected with the idea of sugar-fasting, but he has decided to indulge on weekends. I am proud to say that so far I have not been tempted, even when he was sitting next to me, enjoying chocolate.) A nice side effect, I have lost a pound per week since I started sugar fasting, without ever going hungry. To further motivate me, I read all I can about sugar and nutrition. This new German book is a lot about the body chemistry while digesting. Very interesting, but not always so easy to understand for a laywoman. 

Knitting is a great way to keep yourself busy in front of the tv if normally you were snacking. I don’t know about you, but I am terrible with all my projects, I almost never finish them at once, so you can find a lot of UFOs in our flat, Unfinished Objects. Elephant socks almost finished for our neighbor, a big shawl, a half-finished cardigan… Finally I took up the work on one cropped cardigan again that I have knitted ages ago. The back seemed to be way to broad, so I got frustrated and let it rot in a corner of my knitting basket. A few weeks ago I found it again and a friend suggested to knit a collar on it, tightening it. I did that yesterday on my way to work and hey, it doesn’t look too bad. The colour is a really beautiful deep red, and the fabric is surprisingly soft, so it would have been a pity not to finish it. On the way back I started with the missing sleeve, the last part of it and by tomorrow it is going to be finished. I like the style of Bernadette in the Big Bang Theory and wanted to have a small cardigan to put over dresses. Voilà! My next project (new project, ahem…) is going to be a Miette. ( I have always wanted to make one, but so far was too lazy to follow the English instructions. A friend of mine, she is Australian, has bravely started to knit a German pattern, as though it is really hard for her, all the abbreviations of the German knitting terms, so I feel like an idiot, shying away from an easy English pattern. Miette it is. Then I will have one more nice cardigan to wear on my dresses.

My cousin’s wife wrote to me yesterday, that they badly need a new hat for their son, as he loves the hat I made him so much, he refuses to wear anything else. By now the old one is pretty drawn already, plus too small, so I started with a new one yesterday. I had written the pattern myself, it is not complicated at all, but apparently, little Lukas likes it a lot, so I also tried to find matching colours, hoping he will like his new hat just like the old one. I also started a new one, in different colours, so maybe they can wash one while he is wearing the other one, but kids know what they want and maybe he does not fancy the new orange/yellow one, which I admit looks a bit crazy.  It is, of course, a big compliment that he loves my knitting so much J

A copy of the hat that Lukas loves so much
Will he like the bright orange? I don't know... 

The pattern is really easy. It came to me after talking with Mr. Schön about how digital "code" consists of only 0s and 1s. 

Two friends of mine on a stroll last Sunday

Lisek of the leafs

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