New Year, new goals?
As 2013 is
coming to an end (I know it is another two months, but that seems like nothing,
doesn’t it?) I am reminding myself of what I wanted to achieve. I definitely improved
my knitting skills, still have to practice a lot of sewing. I started running
on a regular basis again and am pretty satisfied with that.
haven’t started learning Italian yet and haven’t taken Burlesque lessons. As I
will have half of December and the first week of January off (yay!), I thought
about starting then, but surprise, surprise! No one offers lessons in December
or at least there is no course starting at the end of the year. But I will
definitely do some research once I am on holiday and book the classes, so one
could say I have accomplished that goal even a bit in 2013.
reading through my feedly I stumbled across the “Four simple goals”-post by Elsie
and Emma from
It is a great idea and I am definitely joining.
everything is more fun when you share it, why don’t we do it together, so join
in, think of four simple goals and take part in the challenge. The good thing,
if you write it down, you can always remind yourself of what you wanted to do
and get motivated by readers and followers.
So my goals
for 2014:
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