Let it Snow, let it Snow, let it Snow
So folks, how have you been? We have
been enjoying the Adventszeit, as we call the last four weeks before Christmas.
Only yesterday we even got to enjoy a Winterwonderland in the city of
Düsseldorf, which basically never happens. Lisek was very excited and tried to
eat all the snow on the ground. I always let him, although I am a bit afraid,
his belly might ache later.
Life has been pretty busy, with birthdays,
writing for the thesis, weekend-trips, surprise visits, LeanIn Meetings,
helping friends and knitting a lot, as always in this time of the year.
The last week of October / beginning of November we took Scottie on a tour eastbound, to Berlin. On the way we had a few stops, e.g. in Gothar and in Quedlingburg, both adorable!. Berlin for us means, visitng a lot of friends, which is always great. It also meant a lot of dates, a lot of driving around, but also seeing so much of Berlin. For the first time in my life I was in Potsdam, which is so pretty! You should definitely go, if you have time while you are in Berlin. The old mansions are pretty impressive, as well as the Dutch quarter and of course, Castle Sanssouci.
Last week we went to Leipzig, to hang
out for a few days and enjoy the beautiful architecture and the Christmassy feel
about it. The Old Town is pretty small, but has some of the nicest Christmas markets.
Needless to say, we had a Glühwein or two and went to great restaurants in the
southern part of Leipzig where all the hip people go to. In contrast to
Düsseldorf, the city has a very vocal and visible politically alternative scene
whose creative outlets you can see in the Südstadt. Scottie was parked in an
official parking spot in the middle of the city for just 10 € a day. Not too
shabby. The way back on Sunday started earlier than usual, as they announced
snow falling. Germans instantly lose their ability to drive when they see the
hint of a snowflake, so we figured it would be better to get onto the autobahn
as soon as possible. Sure enough, the streets were white and so many people
apparently didn’t have the right wheels that their cars sled and sometimes
collapsed. Luckily, we didn’t see any major damage or bad accidents, but it was
pretty chaotic.
The last week saw a lot of visits to the
Christmas market with our neighbours, with old friends visiting and also just
the two of us. I love Christmas markets! As every year I will have quite some
days off before the Christmas chaos with the family, which I will spend hunting
for presents, knitting presents and going to see friends. One of the babies that
was born recently lives in Hannover, so I am planning to visit my friend there
and hang with her and the little one a bit. Oddly enough, it is not only a lot
of birthdays, preparation for the holidays and markets happening this year, but
also two weddings of good friends in the last days of the year. Which of course
adds up to all the presents I have to create / buy, anyway. Still, I love this
time of year. Christmas songs on the radio (and in my head), the whole city
illuminated with the most beautiful lights, smelling cinnamon, new cookies and
good food everywhere. Sitting in a cozy blanket while knitting and enjoying one
of the roughly 1000 christmas movies…. It truly is the most wonderful time of
the year.
Last week I took one evening to bake Christmas
cookies. The kitchen looked horrible afterwards, but I was pretty pleased with
the result. It also helped that my family decided a while ago that everybody
will only buy and get one present. That way I have way more time for other
stuff than present-hunting. (We are about 15 people on Christmas day). Maybe I
am mistaken, but it feels like a trend that people actually start taking more
time for what Christmas was initially for. Stillness, enjoyment, Meditation.
Many of my friends now have kids, so Christmas is a totally different game for
them anyway. But everything seems to be a bit more mindful to me, more people
are trying to give to people who are less fortunate than themselves and try to
make their actions count. I love that!
Lisek waiting patiently on our last auumn-trip in front of the castle in Gothar |
Summer Toboggan Run - So much fun! |
Scottie on the way with the BangBus (Van-Friends) |
For a few days we went to Berlin, to visit some of the dearest friends. And of course, we needed Berliner Weisse! |
I was in Potsdam and also the Park of Sanssouci for the first time. It was so vast and beautiful! |
Sanssouci as well |
Little Cutie |
We parked for one night right in front of the old airfield of Tempelhof. Amazing to have that much space in the middle of a city. |
Little Bonnet with Southern American Wave-pattern |
Yoga-Sock made from leftovers |
To cuddle in bed - the best! |
Birthday Cake from my best friends |
Look at that tea-party. So nice! |
A hat I made for myself |
Lisek went out with his best friend Zaza |
Beautiful Düsseldorf |
Getting this veggie-box every week again makes me so happy |
New mittens for me |
I made my first Hefezopf. It was pretty delicious |
Mr. Schön gave me this handy knitting board for my birthday |
Part of a newborn-set I knit for a little one. |
Lisek got this collar with his name on it from a dear friend. Isn't it adorable? |
In Leipzig, deciding on breakfast |
Tired doggy |
I suck at taking mirror pictures |
Those churros were magical! |
Baking cookies |
Finally some snow - How exciting! |